
Does your church have a plan for evangelism</span?

It does now.

Churches We
Work With

A New Way to Reach people

The average person spends nearly 7 hours a day online

What if they could spend some of that time reading spiritual content that your church produces on a regular basis?

Our agency has years of experience helping churches maximize their online presence. We’ll manage your:

Augment in Your In-person Evangelism

83% of people said they will visit a church if invited by a friend

Digital evangelism is effective for making contact, but conversions are made in real life.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with Outreach.com — a service that automatically sends invite postcards to people that have moved into your community.

outreach new mover program

Custom Website

We'll develop a website that is unique and reflects the character of your church.

Social Media

Join (and start) conversations around Biblical subjects.

Tracking & progress

Monthly status reports with quarterly strategy meetings to improve evangelism.

Paid Ads

Perfect for penetrating into your community with God-centered material

Member Management

Member management app to keep your church connected

Email Services

Build and manage a list that grows every day with people who want your content.

built and operated by Christians for Christians

"Do you not say, ‘There are still four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields, that they are white for harvest." (John 4:35)

Every church has a goal to evangelize in their local community, but very few have an actual plan in place to accomplish that mission.

Our goal is to help as many churches as possible reach into their community by utilizing all the tools available today — both digital and in-person. Our “Foundation” plan (shown to the right) includes everything you’ll need to start actively evangelizing today.

We would love to talk to you about what we can do. Hit the button below to schedule a quick 15-minute phone call!

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Websites Online Today
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